Contribution Wanted for the Imagine the Future of Ocean – 8th International Children's Environmental Conservation Drawing Contest
大赛宗旨 Objectives
“International Children's Environmental Conservation Drawing Contest” is co-hosted by China Soong Ching Ling Foundation and Master Hsing Yun Cultural and Educational Foundation. Its missions are to enhance child development and learning, promote environmental and psychological wellbeing, and encourage environmental protection at a young age.
主办单位 Organizers
China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
Master Hsing Yun Cultural and Educational Foundation
参赛细则 Rules
(一)参赛主题Theme:未来海洋畅想(Imagine the Future of Ocean)
The theme of the painting, "Imagine the Future of Ocean" aims to respond to the guideline of United Nations Ocean Conference 2025," Accelerating Action, Mobilizing All Forces to Protect and sustainably Utilize the Ocean" , to raise children's attention to the ocean, encourage them to use creative and imaginative brushes to imagine the future of humanity and the ocean, and inspire them to express their enthusiasm for protecting the ocean and participating in global governance of marine pollution through their artworks.
(二)参赛对象Participants:3-15周岁 Age 3 to 15
儿童组Children(3-9岁 Age 3-9),少年组Teens(10-15岁 Age 10-15)
1.参赛作品必须是原创作品,已参加过其他比赛或已公开发表的作品不得参加; Entry should be original. Entry that has joined other competition or has been published are not allowed to join.
Please refer to the Important Notes for details of submission.The copyright and ownership of the works belong to the organizing committee.
3.参赛作品类型仅限绘画作品,画种不限,规格最大不超过54*38cm(四开),以四开或八开为宜;国画作品不大于四尺斗方;请勿装裱。The types of entries are limited to painting works. There are no restrictions on painting type. The maximum size should not be larger than 54*38cm, the ideal size is 1/4 or 1/8 for Chinese Painting, the size should not be larger than 4 sq. inches. Please do not mount the artwork.
4.参赛作品画作风格不限,围绕参赛题材,表达丰富的想象力、观察力、创造力。There are no restrictions on the style of the entries. They should be rich in imagination, observation, creativity and expression around the theme of the competition.
(四)截稿日期Deadline:2025年4月30日(以上传日期或寄出邮戳为准)。April 30, 2025 (subject to upload date or based on the postmark).
(五)投稿须知Important Notes:
1.初评阶段投稿方式Initial evaluation:
Send the electronic version of the work to the organizing committee's mailbox: Please upload the electronic version of your work and the competition information form to the organizing committee's mailbox as required. The electronic version of the submitted work should be in JPG format, with a size between 1-10M. Please ensure that the electronic version of the work can fully present the original work.Please send a compressed folder to the organizing committee’s mailbox. Please refer to the attached document for the content, file format, and method of organizing and naming folders that need to be submitted.
E-mail Address:3136563919@qq.com
Attachment retrieval method: Click on the link at the end of the article to obtain the "Rules for Email Submission of Entries" and the "The information form of 8th International Children's Environmental Conservation Drawing Contest".
(2) 邮寄原件:
- 请填写参赛信息表
Please fill in the entry information form (excel.) And send it to the email of the organizing committee of the competition.
- 请将作品原件邮寄至组委会,并在作品背面粘贴报名表。
Mail the original artwork: Please mail the original artwork to the organizing committee and paste the entry form on the back of the artwork.
- 点击文末链接获取《第八届少儿环保绘画大赛参赛信息表》及《第八届少儿环保绘画大赛报名表》。Click on the link at the end of the article to obtain the "The information form of 8th International Children's Environmental Conservation Drawing Contest" and the Entry form.
- 复评阶段投稿方式:
- 参赛者接到复评入选通知后请在7日内(以寄出邮戳为准)将原作寄到组委会,并在作品背面粘贴报名表。
- 如初赛阶段已经将作品邮寄至组委会,则不用再次邮寄作品。
- 如原作丢失或未按时邮寄作品取消复评资格。
- Participants who receive a reevaluation notification should send the original artwork to the organizing committee within 7 days (based on the postmark). Paste the entryform on the back of the artwork.
- Ifthe original artwork has already been mailed to the organizing committee during the initial evaluation, there is no need to mail the work again.
- Failure to send the original artwork on time or if it is lost will result in disqualification from reevaluation.
- Please do not mount the artwork.
Click on the link at the end of the article to obtain the Entry form.
大赛组委会邮寄地址Address of Organizing committee:
Building 25,NO.1 Courtyard, Financial Park, YuXi 1st St.Yong Shun Town,Tong Zhou,Beijing,China,101100
组委会电话Telephone Number:0086-010-80880150-8104
联 系 人Contact Person :
李若嫣 Li Ruoyan (+86-13323377847)
王 鹏 Wang Peng(+86-15010336115)
陈佳微 Chen Jiawei (+86-13313033785)
奖项设置 Prizes
奖项 Award |
获奖数量 No. of Persons |
特等奖 Special Award |
5 名 |
一等奖 First Prize |
10名 |
二等奖 Second Prize |
20名 |
三等奖 Third Prize |
30名 |
优胜奖 Outstanding Award |
若干 |
组织奖 Organizing Award |
1.参赛作品获得一等奖及以上奖励的单位。 2.提交参赛作品300幅以上且获得三等奖及以上奖励的单位。 1. Organizations that had submitted entries that win first prize or higher awards. 2. Organizations that had submitted more than 300 entries and receive a third prize or higher awards. |
奖励设置 Awarding Policies
(一)境外获奖者奖励Winners from Overseas:
Special Award, each wining child and one guardian will be invited to attend the awarding ceremony, and will receive the certificate and collection of award-winning works (responsible for the travel expenses and accommodation of the wining child and a guardian during the ceremony).
- 一等奖:获奖小朋友将获邀出席颁奖典礼(负责获奖者活动期间的差旅费及食宿,以及一名监护人的食宿,监护人差旅费自理),同时领取获奖证书及获奖作品集。
First Prize, each wining child will be invited to attend the awarding ceremony, and will receive the certificate and collection of award-winning works (responsible for the travel expenses and accommodation of the wining child and a guardian during the ceremony, guardians shall be responsible for their own travel expenses).
- 二等奖:获奖小朋友将获邀出席颁奖典礼(每位获奖者凭票报销2000元人民币国际机票费,负责获奖者及一名监护人活动期间的食宿,获奖者及监护人差旅费自理),领取获奖证书及获奖作品集。
Second Prize, each wining child will be invited to attend the awarding ceremony, and will receive the certificate and collection of award-winning works (Each wining child can be reimbursed RMB 2000 for international airfare with their ticket, responsible for the accommodation and meals of the wining child and a guardian during the ceremony, guardians shall be responsible for their own travel expenses).
- 三等奖:获奖小朋友将获奖金人民币1000元(含税),颁赠获奖证书及获奖作品集。如参加颁奖典礼,差旅费及食宿自理。
Third Prize, Each winning child will receive a prize of RMB 1000 (including tax), will receive the certificate and collection of award-winning works. If the winning child attend the award ceremony, the travel expenses and accommodation will be borne by themselves.
- 优胜奖:颁赠获奖证书。
Outstanding Award, will receive the certificate.
Organizing Award, each organization could send one representative to attend the awarding ceremony (responsible for travel expenses and accommodation).
(二)境内获奖者奖励Winners from China:
Special Award, each winner will receive 5000rmb scholarship assistance fund, will be invited to attend awarding ceremony (travel expenses and accommodation expenses shall be borne by oneself), will receive the certificate and collection of award-winning works.
- 一等奖:获奖小朋友获助学金3000元人民币,将获邀出席颁奖典礼(差旅费及食宿自理),同时领取获奖证书及获奖作品集。
First Prize, each winner will receive 3000rmb scholarship assistance fund, will be invited to attend awarding ceremony (travel expenses and accommodation expenses shall be borne by oneself), will receive the certificate and collection of awarding-winning works.
- 二等奖:获奖小朋友获助学金2000元人民币,将获邀出席颁奖典礼(差旅费及食宿自理),同时领取获奖证书及获奖作品集。
Second Prize, each winner will receive 2000rmb scholarship assistance fund, will be invited to attend awarding ceremony (travel expenses and accommodation expenses shall be borne by oneself), will receive the certificate and collection of awarding-winning works.
- 三等奖:获奖小朋友获助学金1000元人民币,欢迎参加颁奖典礼(差旅费及食宿自理),获赠获奖证书及获奖作品集。
Third Prize, each winner will receive 1000rmb scholarship assistance fund, is welcome to attend awarding ceremony (travel expenses and accommodation expenses shall be borne by oneself), will receive the certificate and collection of awarding-winning works.
- 优胜奖:颁赠获奖证书。
Outstanding Award, will receive the certificate.
6.组织奖:每家获奖机构派一位代表参加颁奖典礼(负责差旅费及食宿)。Organizing Award, each organization could send one representative to attend the awarding ceremony (responsible for travel expenses and accommodation).
注:以上助学金为含税金额。The above student subsidies is tax inclusive.
作品展示及出版Exhibition and Publication of Artworks
- 所有获奖作品,均有机会入编《未来海洋畅想——第八届国际少儿环保公益绘画大赛》电子画集。
All winning entries will have the chance to be compiled in “Imagine the Future of Ocean – 8th International Children’s Environmental Conservation Drawing Competition” digital art book.
- 获得三等奖以上的作品,均将编入《未来海洋畅想——第八届国际少儿环保公益绘画大赛》作品集。
All entries for winners of Third Prize and above, will be chosen for publication of “Imagine the Future of Ocean – 8th International Children’s Environmental Conservation Drawing Competition” art book.
特别声明Special Announcement
- 大赛组委会向特等奖、一等奖、二等奖得奖者家长(监护人)发出获奖通知书,得奖者家长(监护人)在收到获奖通知书后,须于7天内填写通知书回执,并回传给组委会,否则将被视为放弃奖励。
The organizing committee will send letters of notification to parents (guardian) of all winners for Special Award, First prize and Second prize. No reply after 7 days upon receipt of notification will be considered as giving up of prize award.
- 特等奖、一等奖、二等奖获得者因自身原因不能出席颁奖典礼,将被视为放弃奖励,仅颁发获奖证书及获奖作品集。该奖励不得转让。
For Special Award, First Prize, Second Prize winners who cannot attend the awarding ceremony due to personal reasons, will be considered as giving up the prize award, he/she will only receive the certificate and collection of award-winning works.
- 参赛作品版权归主办单位所有,作者享有署名权。主办单位有权保留作品且在相关活动中使用(包括并不限于展出、在媒体及宣传资料上使用,如网站、海报、出版物等)。另主办单位保留为公益活动筹集资金时对于作品的使用权(包括慈善拍卖等)。以上活动均不另付稿酬。
The copyright of the entries belongs to the organizers, and the authors have the right to retain their names. The organizer reserves the right to keep the work and use it in related activities (this includes and not limited to exhibition, social media or any promotional materials like for example, websites, posters, publications, etc). Furthermore, the organizer reserves the right to use the works when raising funds for public welfare activities. No remuneration for the above activities.
- 本次比赛纯属环保公益活动,不向参赛者收取任何费用。
This competition is a public welfare activity of environmental protection, and no fee will be charged to the participants.
All interpretation rights of this competition belong to the organizers of the competition, and the organizer has the right to change the rules of competition.
Organizing Committee of International Children Environmental Conservation Drawing Competition